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Wherever and whenever it happens we want to mobilize & stand-up for your right to read.
It’s our mission to defend freedom and fight to stop book bans! Help support our cause!

FREEDOM is Your Right to Read Anything YOU Want Anytime.

Stop Book Bans!



Together we can end the

scourge on democracy!


The STOP BOOK BANS project advocates for the rights of all readers, authors, librarians and teachers to enjoy the freedom of making their own reading choices. Book bans suppress free speech and limit freedom of expression to find and enjoy the books any individual chooses to read. 



We are in the field, training and educating. We know this can be a difficult issue to work on alone, so talk to us and include your networks & connections in your community to unite with: family, friends, organizations you're involved, etc.


Grass Roots Organizing

Research shows that opposition to book bans is widespread and you will likely find support within your community to unite against such efforts.  In the meanwhile we are tracking the bans and legislative developments.


Research and Data Collection

Your talking points and stories can be used to have one-on-one or group conversations with organizations you belong to – parent organizations, civic groups, faith communities, book clubs, non-profits, sports leagues, and more. If you represent an organization, contact other organizations that might work in coalition with you.  Contact us immediately!


Community Conversations

Of the 1,477 reported book ban cases so far this school year, 74% were connected to organized efforts of small radical groups, pressure on elected officials, or enacted legislation.  We recommend that policymakers, school boards and district administrators consider celebrating & including controversial books rather than restricting them.


Public Hearings & Legislation

Support Our Cause NOW!

#1 Join US!

2. Donate

3. Get Active

4. Contact Legislators

5. Take a Public Stand 


Join us today and we will send you an action PDF explaining how to use the above 5 points!

According to the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, the number of books challenged in schools and public libraries in 2022 hit a record high. A record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship last year in 2022, a 32 percent increase over the 1,858 unique titles targeted in 2021. This is in part because, while books were once challenged on an individual basis, there are now lists of books to be challenged compiled by national groups. 40 percent of the overall books challenged in 2022 were in cases involving 100 books or more.  Will censorship explode in 2025?

Books are also being banned as a result of state laws. According to PEN America, there are currently nearly 100 pending bills that would restrict teaching critical race theory or limit how K-12 teachers can discuss racism and sexism. A number of these bills are modeled after Florida’s H.B. 1557, commonly known as the Don’t Say Gay Act. Four of them apply to private schools or colleges. Legislatures are even attempting to criminally penalize librarians for providing certain books to minors.

No matter one’s political beliefs, we should be able to come together to support free speech everywhere and provide for a healthy public library system.  Support our cause today, yes?

Under Threat

It's not just schools but both individual libraries and entire library systems are being put at risk as these bans escalate. In 2022, a Michigan town defunded its library for refusing to remove certain LGBTQ books. In Llano County, Texas, a number of books were accused of being “pornographic” and removed from the public library system; when seven Llano County residents sued, the court stated that a number of these books also dealt with “critical race theory” and racial themes. In response to the court’s order to restore the removed books to the library shelves while the litigation was pending, Llano County commissioners held a meeting to discuss closing the library. And in Missouri, the state House of Representatives recently voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, apparently in reaction to litigation filed on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association. The lawsuit seeks to declare unconstitutional a state bill that has resulted in more than 300 books, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes, being banned from school libraries.

Our goal is to protect our democracy & your right to read what you want without any interference!



We must Stop Book Bans and Thought Police Censorship!

Book bans are rising dramatically across the country—led by right-wing extremists targeting books that talk about race in America, slavery, civil rights, the Holocaust, gender, sexuality, and more.


These are blatant efforts to wage white supremacist wars in schools across the U.S., but we have the opportunity to take action and stop these bans from happening in affected communities.

You can take action by joining us now in our effort to educate and bring awareness nationally. Whether it's to reject a book ban in your local school community, promote honest education, defend teachers' freedom to teach, push back on oppressive state legislation, or pursue other ways to reject efforts to bring right-wing politics to our schools, there are plenty of ways we can take this on together.  Please donate and become a pro-active member of STOP BOOK BANS!

-- A Mission that Speaks for Itself --


The STOP BOOK BANS project needs your support to spread awareness and educate all Americans on what is being done to them.  Please give now!


Stopping censorship and book banning legislation while openly promoting an agenda of total inclusion and laws that protect teachers & librarians nationally 


Where are the banned books?  How can we discourage the act of banning books & censorship?

This is the mission of our cause to make books & content visible.

Open Access

Yes, you're probably


  • How can book banning be stopped?
    Write letters to the editor, your public library director and your school principal supporting the freedom to read. Talk to your friends about why everyone should be allowed to choose for themselves and their families what they read. Support our cause and join us now!
  • Why should we stop book bans?
    Opponents of bans argue that by restricting information and discouraging freedom of thought, censors undermine one of the primary functions of education: teaching students how to think for themselves. Such actions, assert free speech proponents, endanger tolerance, free expression, and democracy.
  • How do you fight against censorship?
    It's also important to search out information and to join public discourse, so the arguments from educators, readers, and the public against censorship are as vocal and headline-grabbing as those from the book-banners themselves. Joining groups that are combating censorship can also be effective.
  • Why should you read banned books?
    Reading banned books opens your mind and brings to light new ideas that widen perspectives.. Giving children books about people and places they aren't familiar with increases their empathy and understanding of different views. The freedom to read what you want is the hallmark of our democracy -- don't let that right be taken away. Join our cause and lets STOP BOOK BANS once and for all!

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